Training for new employees
Training for new employees
We consolidated training for new employees that they had individually requested to multiple companies, and rebuilt a systematic curriculum.
The training period was significantly shortened, and new employees were able to become ready to work quickly.
Global common training
Global common training
We designed a common curriculum to acquire international programming standards (IEC 61131-3).
By providing unified training by instructors from engineers at each location of OMRON, we supported early start-up of equipment and local independence.
We consolidated training for new employees that they had individually requested to multiple companies, and rebuilt a systematic curriculum.
The training period was significantly shortened, and new employees were able to become ready to work quickly.
We designed a common curriculum to acquire international programming standards (IEC 61131-3).
By providing unified training by instructors from engineers at each location of OMRON, we supported early start-up of equipment and local independence.
Career development support
Career development support
Together with our customer, we built a system and process for continuous development of human resources responsible for on-site project management.
We provided a training environment where employees could acquire both technical and management skills and supported their career development.
Professional skill training
Professional skill training
We designed a curriculum to understand customer-specific safety measure specifications.
We implemented training by expert instructors, who are familiar with the latest safety standards, to raise employees' awareness of safety and support the creation of a work environment where they can work with peace of mind.
Together with our customer, we built a system and process for continuous development of human resources responsible for on-site project management.
We provided a training environment where employees could acquire both technical and management skills and supported their career development.
We designed a curriculum to understand customer-specific safety measure specifications.
We implemented training by expert instructors, who are familiar with the latest safety standards, to raise employees' awareness of safety and support the creation of a work environment where they can work with peace of mind.
Support for building a learning environment
Support for building a learning environment
We created an environment where employees can learn approximately 50 on-demand courses specialized for the manufacturing industry on the customer's common in-house system.
We built an environment where employees can seamlessly learn from the in-house infrastructure that is commonly used.
Training for students
Training for students
We provided on-demand courses through a dedicated training system for students aiming to become specialists in manufacturing.
We offered an opportunity to learn anytime, anywhere, without worrying about time, place, device, etc.
We created an environment where employees can learn approximately 50 on-demand courses specialized for the manufacturing industry on the customer's common in-house system.
We built an environment where employees can seamlessly learn from the in-house infrastructure that is commonly used.
We provided on-demand courses through a dedicated training system for students aiming to become specialists in manufacturing.
We offered an opportunity to learn anytime, anywhere, without worrying about time, place, device, etc.
For information about the case study of new employee training at a major electronics manufacturer, please email us from here We will send you the materials.
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